About CRWI

At the Conference of Religious Women in India (CRWI), we are dedicated to fostering collaboration and coordination among religious congregations to fulfill the needs and aims of the Church. Established in 1963 and formally recognized by the Holy See, CRI prioritizes the collective interests of religious institutes above individual congregations. Our mission is to deepen and solidify the beliefs, practices, and meaning of religious life through proper formation courses, orientation, and seminars. From our roots in the Vatican Council II to the establishment of Institute Mater Dei, we continue to uphold the values of cooperation and mutual support among religious communities in India.The mission of CRWI is to assist women religious in their service to marginalized communities by supporting the well-being of sisters themselves and by creating opportunities for sisters to learn from one another to continually improve their ministries. CRWI is the overarching association for 103,000 Catholic sisters in 282+ congregations in India.